by James E. Fargo, FSA Scot
The family name Stark is a sept name within the Clan Donnachaidh. David Robertson, FSA Scot, states… "In Burke’s Landed Gentry it is stated that the family of Stark claim descent from the house of Struan, inasmuch as Alexander Robertson being found guilty of manslaughter, fled to the low country, where he acquired the estate of Ballindean, in Fifeshire, and changed his name to Stirk, or as it is now spelt, Stark.." The estate is located between Perth and Dundee on the north side of the Firth of Tay.
The Stark surname is currently well known outside the clan due to George R. R. Martin’s series of books which were the basis for the "Game of Thrones, Song of Ice and Fire" television series. The House of Stark’s family motto is the warning ‘Winter is Coming’ and their animal totem is the head of a dire wolf. There are interesting similarities as our own clan war cry is also a warning, ‘Fierce when Roused’ and our animal totem is the three wolf heads on Struan’s shield.
Robertson, David, "A Brief Account of the Clan Donnachaidh", Glasgow, 1894, p. 34